Bucket List

Earlier today I was having a conversation with some fun ladies and the topic of a “New York Bucket List” surfaced. Now I have had one of these since the day I moved to New York City. Heck, I had one before I moved to New York. I think I may have born with a might “to-do.” My New York list is a work in progress, constantly evolving and changing, things are crossed off as things are added, littles scratch notes are written in the margins, and I’ll admit, there are a few food remains dotting the page (yes, sometimes I snack and forget to wash the evidence off my fingers…I’m working on it, thank-you!). The way I see it, this list is a perfect condensing of myself–me mashed up into a little 8″ x 6″ sheet of paper. Throw a doodle in the top right corner and a dash of hot pink highlighter across the title and voila.

Here’s a peek at a few of the more recent additions to my list and a few of the oldies but goodies, too.

1. Create an ultimate NYC scavenger hunt that forces my friends and I to venture to each of the boroughs, interact with people from all walks of life, and take some sure to be memorable photographs of a day in this whirlwind of a city.

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