Turning Tricks

This is how I spent the better half of my afternoon-on my ass on a trampoline, a look of mixed delight and fear upon my face with a slight case of total body perspiration.

I was never much of a gymnast. I took up weekly lessons at age 6 mostly to wear the leotards, my personal favorite a royal blue bodysuit with “America” written across my underdeveloped chest. Everyone else moved up in level. I stuck in the beginner class with the 5 year olds. When you’re seven and surrounded by a bunch of snot-nosed chump boys, your world is over. Bonafide babies, how dare they?!

Hollywood Stunts Trick Trampoline Class reminded me of the good ole days. I mastered the first 3 tricks no problem. Trampoline Beast Mode. Then I hit flat-line central. Just me and the seat drop, no flips up this invisible sleeve. Continue reading

Bucket List

Earlier today I was having a conversation with some fun ladies and the topic of a “New York Bucket List” surfaced. Now I have had one of these since the day I moved to New York City. Heck, I had one before I moved to New York. I think I may have born with a might “to-do.” My New York list is a work in progress, constantly evolving and changing, things are crossed off as things are added, littles scratch notes are written in the margins, and I’ll admit, there are a few food remains dotting the page (yes, sometimes I snack and forget to wash the evidence off my fingers…I’m working on it, thank-you!). The way I see it, this list is a perfect condensing of myself–me mashed up into a little 8″ x 6″ sheet of paper. Throw a doodle in the top right corner and a dash of hot pink highlighter across the title and voila.

Here’s a peek at a few of the more recent additions to my list and a few of the oldies but goodies, too.

1. Create an ultimate NYC scavenger hunt that forces my friends and I to venture to each of the boroughs, interact with people from all walks of life, and take some sure to be memorable photographs of a day in this whirlwind of a city.

Continue reading

Hey Soul Sister

Ok so I may have just finished the most fun 45 minutes of physical activity ever. Those critics weren’t lying when the dubbed SoulCycle a “cardio party.” Amidst blasting my glutes and contracting my quads, with sweat pouring off of me like the nozzle in my shower, and breathing so strained I almost checked my own pulse, I found myself smiling and laughing, even singing along. The crowd of cyclists around me let our yells and hoorays while the teacher danced her way around the class for the entire duration. Each song was better (and harder) than the last. And when the clock chimed 43 minutes and Laurie (the awesome instructor) noted that this was it, I actually let out an “awww” in time with the rest of my spinning compatriots. Then I buckled down and spun faster than I have ever spun before. I think I brought my passion to the pedal. They said it was a religious experience. I think they were right. I feel weirdly spiritual, otherworldly, peaceful.

SoulCycle, the definition of hurt so good.

Pumped Up Kicks

I have been rocking my workouts this week, if I do say so myself. And let me tell you, it’s been a nice reprieve from last weeks uninspired fitness monotony. I have no idea what’s gotten into me, maybe there’s something in the water, but I have actually been waking up ahead of my alarm and running to the gym ecstatically. If I could click me heels in mid-air, I would (alas my coordination is poor)!

Here’s the recap of my week thus far:

Sunday 30 minute power stair master routine + 1 hour vinyaysa flow yoga

Monday-6 miles run at 8-8:30 pace

Tuesday- 50 minute spin class + 15 minute lower body circuit workout

Wednesday- 30 minute spin routine + 90 minute bikram yoga

Thursday – 30 minute hill interval on treadmill + 20 minute power stair master routine + 10 minute 4×4 cardio circuit Continue reading

Bikram Bites

Bikram Yoga, 90 minutes locked in a 100 degree room with a bunch of strangers, all sweating, and groaning, and toiling away.

It’s one of those love/hate things. I love the lightness I feel after, like I am clean from the inside out. I love the stretched out limber quality my body takes away. I love the post-torture high my mind experiences. Continue reading

Cardio Circuits Can Be Fun!

Each week I am lucky enough to write for Small Kitchen College, one of my favorite little lifestyle sites with a heavy leaning towards the culinary. It’s such fun, love being part of the talented SKC community. Anyway ,my last post for the site dealt with how to stay fit indoors, featuring a little cardio at home workout I do when it’s rainy, snowy, windy, or I’m just feeling lazy. Shocker, I know, as I tend to feature the edible, but my life is actually a nice little balancing act. This circuit is a doozy of a set, always leaves me sweating, and wanting cookies. Proceed with care!

On Why I Run

Running is one of those activities I love and hate. I love the way I feel right before a run, like anything is possible, and I can fly. I love the way I feel right after, heart pounding out of my chest, sweat pouring down my forehead, lop-sided grin on my face. I’m finished! The whole in-between though is rough. Feet pounding the pavement, each step a little harder, elevated heart rate, panting for air, visualizing the next big hill, groaning inside and out. It sounds a bit like torture, right? And it is, but it’s that addictive kind of torture that somehow propels me out of bed two times a week to do it over again, always with the hope of breaking my previous best.

Today, I did it (well we did it, as Chris runs with me on Sundays, but he is way faster than me so this is just him being a sweetie)! I ran 6.1 miles in 47 minutes flat. Personal Record set. Time for celebration, and celebration = a big ole’ egg sandwich with spinach and three kinds of cheese.

Before a run I feel like I can do anything, and after an egg sandwich this good, I feel the exact same way!

I’ll feel better?

Some days I spring out of bed ready to work it out and some days I just want to crawl back under and hit snooze over and over and over again.

It is sunny and relatively warm and yet I feel lazy. I feel like a bed-bug snuggled up in a rug and I do not want to enter the real world.

Post-vacation reality check.

I’ll feel better after I sweat. I’ll feel better after I sweat.