
It finally feels like Spring. Green so bright you need sunglasses and sunshine so bright sweat drips from every pore (why parks with no swimming pools exist is beyond me!). Sunday afternoon sunbathing was in order. I slept and woke up in a puddle of perspiration and drool with an already visible tan whole Chris did stunts with his miniature soccer ball. Continue reading


It’s been a busy week in the blogsphere for yours truly. What will follow is a series of shameless self promotions, but then what exactly is a blog if not just that!

My favorite restaraunt in New York City bar none. I dream about this place…every night.

One kick-ass sandwich from The Hominy Grill in Charleston has me homesick

Easy ways to incorporate more super foods into your diet

Spring means asparagus. Here’s a few recipes you can overindulge in.

Happy Weekend, my friends.

More to Come

I miss my mom already. What a cutie, and if you doubt it, see above photo and blonde beauty to your left!!

The weekend was a blur, a quick-fire three days of non-stop shenanigans. We shopped until we dropped and when we hit rock bottom we found solace in sustenance (more to come in that department later) and cheap jokes. I scored a great pair of wedding shoes. Mom found the prettiest dress for the big day. Chris got his suit and the attire of his groomsmen squared away. It was a grand-tastic success, one of the most fabulous weekends we’ve had in a while

I miss my mom already.


Spring Inspires

Dare I say it, dare I say it:

Spring is here!

[no claps of thunder, lightning bolts, or rain clouds have appeared-I guess I didn’t jinx this glorious weather just yet!]

These sunny skies and higher temperatures have a perma-grin glued on my face. I just can’t help it. There is something so right about springtime in the city. I love the smell of the air, the blooming of the flowers, the green on the trees, and the sounds of babies laughing at the top of their lungs in the neighborhood playground. Like a drippy ice cream cone in the noon day sun, springtime makes me melt. I swear it’s like happy tears have taken up residence behind my big ole’ eyeballs for good. Each and every fresh sight and sound inspires a stream of salty happiness down my face. Perhaps I should retire the mascara until I adjust. I am filled with excitement. I am a pool [ha ha literally] of emotions. And I experience this every single year upon seasons changing.  Continue reading

Bucket List

Earlier today I was having a conversation with some fun ladies and the topic of a “New York Bucket List” surfaced. Now I have had one of these since the day I moved to New York City. Heck, I had one before I moved to New York. I think I may have born with a might “to-do.” My New York list is a work in progress, constantly evolving and changing, things are crossed off as things are added, littles scratch notes are written in the margins, and I’ll admit, there are a few food remains dotting the page (yes, sometimes I snack and forget to wash the evidence off my fingers…I’m working on it, thank-you!). The way I see it, this list is a perfect condensing of myself–me mashed up into a little 8″ x 6″ sheet of paper. Throw a doodle in the top right corner and a dash of hot pink highlighter across the title and voila.

Here’s a peek at a few of the more recent additions to my list and a few of the oldies but goodies, too.

1. Create an ultimate NYC scavenger hunt that forces my friends and I to venture to each of the boroughs, interact with people from all walks of life, and take some sure to be memorable photographs of a day in this whirlwind of a city.

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The Power of the Pastry

Award winning pastry chef and former mastermind behind the dessert menu at Daniel, Dominique Ansel creates as close to Parisian perfection in the pastry department as I have tasted since returning home. Not too often do I get a hankering for a sweet, bready treat, and I couldn’t go a day without something bakery-inspired in Paris. I blame it on the smell, or lack there-of. In New York, my daily commute is met with the scent of garbage. In Paris it smelled like bread. It always smelled like bread.

An array of pastry items appeared in the office. As is custom, a knife came out and soon enough the individual assortment of treats had been divvied up for a royal sampling. My favorite of the exquisitely rich and buttery arrangement was the DKA, a flakey and light croissant-like dough with a rich caramelized exterior.

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